Occasionally a video game striving to be edgy will include trans people as the butt of a cheap joke or two, but that’s relatively easy to ignore. This was actually really new to me and it was absolutely shocking. Later in the trial, a justification for Chihiro’s presenting as a girl is provided, but for the next half hour or so of gameplay, this character, who by all appearances is trans, is missgendered by her former friends for no particular reason. The logical conclusion for the characters (and player) to come to at this point is, “Chihiro is a trans girl”. Keep in mind, up until this point Chihiro has presented entirely female. The characters remark on how she was “really a boy” and instantly switch to describing her with male pronouns for the rest of the game. During the trial, a second examination of Chihiro’s body reveals she has male genitalia. Let’s start with the chronologically first one. There are two main issues I have with the portrayal of Chihiro.